
Make School BEW 1.2/2.2: Final Project

Primary LanguagePython


Make School BEW 1.2/2.2: TeleLegal

Uptime Status


CapRover deployment link: https://telelegal.dev.gobindpuniani.me

Docker Command Reference

Build the container

docker run -p 5000:5000 --rm --name telelegal-container telelegal

See what's running

docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'

Running the Tests

To run all of the tests, you can run the following from the root project directory:

python3 -m unittest discover

(Make sure you have unittest installed.)

To run all tests from a single file, run the following:

python3 -m unittest telelegal_app.main.tests

To run one specific test, you can run the following:

python3 -m unittest telelegal_app.main.tests.MainTests.test_homepage_logged_in


View the front-end only here: https://gspuniani.github.io/TeleLegal-Winter-Intensive/. Back-end elements (such as user login authentication) are still in development.


TeleLegal remotely and securely connects Attorneys to Potential Clients across the State of California. Attorneys utilizing TeleLegal’s services gain access to a pool of California citizens with specific and often urgent legal questions. Either the Attorney or a Potential Client can initiate a text chat with the other as part of the initial consultation. The Attorney and Potential Client can then agree to enter a video chat to further discuss the case particulars and complete the consultation. During or after this video call, the Attorney and Potential Client--if they decide to proceed forward with the matter--may exchange additional contact information and negotiate between themselves a reasonable fee agreement. Many “routine” services, such as drafting a simple will or reviewing a standard contract, may be offered at a flat rate. Attorneys who sign up will also have access to the TeleLegal Community, a forum for lawyers to share useful practice tips with each other.


This is a website built with the Bootstrap v4 framework. All images used in this website were freely obtained from Unsplash. The logo was created in Figma.