
~ First may we say a prayer to Rey, for suggesting this brilliant idea. All praise Rey ~

What is the Box on the Left Side of the Screen? the ListView on the left side of the screen was designed to accommodate multiple lists, as was requested in the first part. The methods regarding multiple lists were modified to only handle a single list and the Buttons to Manage more Lists were disabled

Where to View the Items the ArrayList of ToDoListItems will be shown in the TreeTableView on the right side of the screen. if nothing is visible, click the "Add Item" button on the bottom right and create a list

Adding an Item Click the "Add Item" button on the bottom right and fill out the prompt

Removing an Item Click the "Remove Item" button on the bottom rightafter selecting one of the items in the TreeTableView

Clearing Item List Click the "Clear List" Button on the bottom right

Editing an Item Click on an Item in the TableTreeView and click the "Edit Item" button on the top right The button will bring up a popup menu where you can enter a new Description and Due Date

Marking an Item Complete Click on an Item in the TableTreeView and click the "Toggle Complete" button on the top right

How do You Sort the ItemList If you want to sort the Item List all you have to do is hit the Sort button on the top right If nothing happens try selecting the ToDoList on the Left side of the Screen then try again

Changing the Filter On the Menu Bar in the Filter Menu at the top left, select the Filter you want to set the TableTreeView to

Saving and Loading Lists On the Menu Bar in the File Menu at the top left, select whether you want to save the List or Load a list