
Angular base service for a REST server comunication.

MIT LicenseMIT

Angular BaseModel

Angular base service for a REST server comunication.


Download the file and add the script tag to your html.

<script src="/path/basemodel.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>

And just add the module BaseModel as a dependency.

angular.module('myApp', ['BaseModel']);



Just create a new factory, and return the instance of the BaseModel based on your resource.

.factory('UserService',  ['BaseModel', function(BaseModel) {
	"use strict";

	var config = {
		$name: "Users",
		$resource: "user",
		$primaryKey: "id",
		$fields: ['name', 'email', 'login'],
		$baseUrl: 'http://api.myapp.com/',
		$query: {
			limit: 20,
			sort: this.$primaryKey

		// For extending methods and variables, just add anything
		// this is a extended method that can be access
		thumbnail: function() {
			var width = 154, height = 154;

			var thumbnail = "my picture";

			return thumbnail;

	return BaseModel.instance(config);

All extended methods will be assigned to the UserService (service name) instance.



MyService.get(id [, query]);

Returns a promise with the returned value from the server as a parameter. The value as well is added to an internal variable, and can be access any time with MyService.current() method.



Returns a promise with the returned value from the server as a parameter. The value as well is added to an internal variable, and can be access any time with MyService.current() method.


MyService.save(id, data);

Returns a promise with the returned value from the server as a parameter. The new value as well is added to an internal variable, and can be access any time with MyService.current() method.



Returns a promise with the returned value from the server as a parameter, and remove the value from the internl variable. The current method now returns an empty object {}.


MyService.addSet(id, resource, data);

Adds a new subdocument resource with the content of data for the document id.

Returns a promise with the returned value from the server as a parameter. The new value as well is added to the internal variable updating modified document.


This method can be access using the resource name defined in the configuration by $resource. The method is a setter/getter:

UserService.users([Array data]);

If a parameter is passed, set the internal variable to this new passed (the variable muts be an Array) returning the this arg (the service instance). If not, get the internal value.

WARNING If you assign a variable to the BaseModel.users() (e.g). Every new request will automatically update the variable. Consider the example bellow, the $scope.users will be automatically update. Be carefull with multi service initialization, because the service is a singleton, any changes in a controller will propagate to others controllers.


.controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'UserService', function($scope, UserService) {

	$scope.users = UserService.users();
	// -> [];

	UserService.get().then(function() {
		// -> [{id:1, name: "Jane"}, ..., {...}];


The default config object, all this values can be overwritten:

var config = {
	$name: "Users",
	$resource: "users",
	$primaryKey: "_id",
	$allowSingular: false,
	$fields: [],
	$baseUrl: "",
	$query: {
		limit: 20,
		sort: this.$primaryKey
	$hasMany: {
		records: {}
	$belongsTo: {
		author: {name: 'users', type: String, resource: 'UsersService'}
	$validation: {
		$all: {
			_id: {required: true}
		$read: {
		$create: {
		$update: {
		$delete: {
	$after: {
		$read: function(){

		$create:  function(data, resource){
		$update:  function(){
		$delete:  function(){
	$before: {
		$read: function(){

		$create:  function(data, resource){
		$update:  function(){
		$delete:  function(){
	$responses: {
		invalidParams: "The parameter.."
	$errorDesign: function(type, msg) {
		return {
			type: type,
			message: msg,
			code: null

This project was influenced by ModelCore.