Code of the Undead: A Byte of Survival

Dear brave coders and aspiring survivors,

The world as we know it is teetering on the brink of a zombie apocalypse, and the only thing that stands between the safe haven of our city and the terrifying hordes clawing at the gates is...your coding skills!

Legend has it that the only way to fortify the city's defenses is to activate the ancient carousel shield, a mystical barrier that can keep the undead at bay. The activation sequence is complex and requires a mastery of JavaScript to complete. That's where you come in, brave coder.

Within the safe confines of our coding BootCamp, you are about to embark on a mission of utmost importance. You will be entrusted with the sacred HTML and CSS scrolls that contain the structure of the magical carousel shield. Your task, noble guardian of code, is to weave the intricate web of JavaScript that will bring the carousel to life, activating the city's defenses and saving us all from certain doom.

The task won't be easy. The air is thick with the moans of zombies approaching ever closer, and the sands in the hourglass are slipping away quickly. You have but 45 minutes to crack the code and make the carousel functional. As you dive into the challenge, remember, the fate of the city rests in your capable hands.

Harness your newfound skills, delve deep into your knowledge of JavaScript, and rise as the hero that saved the city from the outbreak. Your time starts now. Make every second count. And remember, should you succeed, you will not just pass your BootCamp, but etch your name in the annals of history as the savior of the city.

Good luck, valiant coder. May the codes be with you.

What You're Creating To Survive



Greetings, brave code warrior! The city is on the verge of being overtaken by a horde of zombies, and it's up to you to secure the gates. Your weapon? Code. Your mission? To bring a carousel to life, which is the key to keeping the gates locked. The starter code is your initial ammo, and your coding skills will be your firepower.

  1. Get Your Ammo. git clone the starter repository to grab the necessary assets to begin this crucial mission.
  2. Enter the Battlefield. Navigate to the front lines by opening the folder carousel-javascript-challenge in your favorite code editor. This is where you will strategize and implement your plan of attack.
  3. Locate Your Strategic Point. Your strategic point is the index.js file located within the directory. This is where you will station yourself for the mission.
  4. Arm Yourself. Get ready for battle by opening the index.js file. This is where you will write the JavaScript code that powers the carousel and ultimately saves the city. Remember, you are only to code in the JavaScript file. Review the HTML and CSS files to understand the structure and styling but restrain from making changes there.
  5. Defending the City. The time has come to stand your ground and defend the city. Before the zombies reach the gates, use your JavaScript expertise to fortify the city's defenses. Open the index.html file in your browser to test the carousel's functionality. As the city's last line of defense, ensure that the carousel transitions are smooth, the navigation buttons are responsive, and the active states are clearly indicated. Your coding skills will create an impenetrable fortress, with the carousel acting as a powerful shield against the zombie onslaught. Prepare to face the horde with courage and code. The city relies on your JavaScript prowess to withstand this imminent attack. Forge ahead, valiant code warrior!

Note: The clock is ticking, and you have 45 minutes to complete this mission. The fate of the city rests on your shoulders. Code wisely and swiftly, brave warrior. Good luck!

Code of the Undead: A Byte of Backstory

In a not-so-distant future, the world was besieged by an unstoppable virus, turning the majority of the population into hordes of ravenous zombies. Humanity's only refuge was in isolated cities, shielded from the onslaught by impenetrable gates programmed with intricate, ever-evolving JavaScript codes. Within one such fortress city, the fate of thousands rested on the shoulders of a fledgling coding BootCamp student named Alex.


Act 1:

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a grim notice echoed throughout the fortress city - the protective gates that safeguarded them from the bloodthirsty undead were weakening, the complex JavaScript coding that governed them riddled with bugs and vulnerabilities. The last bastion of humanity was on the brink of crumbling. The governing council, aware that time was running out, initiated "Operation Carousel", a frantic search for a coder capable of rewriting the faltering JavaScript before the gates failed entirely.

Act 2:

Enter Alex, an eccentric BootCamp student with an affinity for code and caffeine. As rumors swirled of an impending breach, Alex was summoned to the city's command center. There, amidst a chaotic flurry of analysts and military personnel, Alex was given the Herculean task of refactoring the carousel's JavaScript code, a spiraling nexus of functions and event listeners that governed the gates' operations.

In a room humming with the relentless ticking of the countdown clock, Alex embarked on a coding frenzy, their fingers dancing over the keyboard as they maneuvered through lines of code, battling against syntax errors and logical bugs as if they were flesh-hungry zombies themselves.

As the hours dwindled, the city's outer perimeters began to falter, the groans of the undead growing louder, their rotting fingers inching closer to the fragile sanctuary of the living.

Act 3:

With the dead breaching the gates and the clock ticking towards zero, Alex entered a transcendent state of coding, where logic flowed like poetry, and algorithms danced in harmonious rhythm. They realized the carousel wasn't just a mechanism; it was a living entity, a guardian spirit woven from lines of code and digital syntax.

With a deep breath and a prayer to the coding gods, Alex initiated the final sequence, a ballet of flawless functions and seamless transitions, weaving a digital tapestry that spiraled outwards, fortifying the gates and pushing back the relentless undead horde.

As the city held its collective breath, the carousel of code surged to life, its luminous tendrils intertwining with the gate's machinery, a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness.

Zombies breaching the last city


With the gates secure and the city saved, Alex emerged from the command center, greeted by the cheers of a grateful populace. The BootCamp student had become a legend, a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the brink of apocalypse. As the sun rose on a new day, the citizens of the fortress city began to rebuild, their faith in humanity - and in the power of code - stronger than ever before.

And deep within the swirling carousel of JavaScript, a new guardian spirit watched over them, ready to defend against the darkness with a whirlwind of loops, functions, and event listeners. The battle was won, but in the world of code, the adventure was just beginning...