
A repository to store my C# code and annotations

Primary LanguageC#


A repository to store my C# codes and annotations

  • EntityFramework-CodeFirstNewDatabaseSample: A simple project to work with the Entity Framework using code first. Database generated by the models. It uses Data Annotations and the Fluent API. link

  • ASP.NET Web API 2: In this tutorial, you will use ASP.NET Web API to create a web API that returns a list of products. The front-end web page uses jQuery to display the results. link

  • Business Readable Automated Tests with SpecFlow: Some .Net Core + Specflow code to get used to it.

  • ASP.NET Identity: A very simple example of how to customize user fields in the new ASPNET Identity. link

  • CSharpJumpStart: Group of codes and samples from the Microsoft course: programming in C Sharp Jump start. link

  • PluginApp: An app that support the addition of pluggins by just dropping them on the /plugin folders. It uses a custom-created PluginProvider singleton

  • Utils: Collection of useful classes (that I didn't want to transform in a shared lib). Some classes to work with xml by using reflection..etc

  • PhotoGallery: A simple WPF project that allows to load pictures, add them to collections (albums), tag albums and individual pictures and search by picture/collection/tag name. Work still in progress.

  • CSharp RPG: code for my own implementation of the awesome series of posts by scottlilly