
Puya PY32F003 PY32F030 template project for GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain

Primary LanguageC


  • Puya PY32F0 template project for GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
  • Puya PY32F0 family:
    • PY32F002x5
    • PY32F002Ax5
    • PY32F003x4
    • PY32F003x6
    • PY32F003x8
    • PY32F030x3
    • PY32F030x4
    • PY32F030x6
    • PY32F030x7
    • PY32F030x8
    • PY32F072xB
  • Supported programmers: J-Link, DAPLink/PyOCD
  • Supported IDE: VSCode

File Structure

├── Build                       # Build results
├── Docs                        # Datesheets and User Manuals
├── Examples
│   ├── FreeRTOS                # FreeRTOS examples
│   ├── Raw                     # NonFreeRTOS examples
│   └── Raw_LL                  # NonFreeRTOS examples with low layer lib
├── Libraries
│   ├── BSP                     # SysTick delay and printf for debug
│   ├── BSP_LL                  # SysTick delay and printf for debug
│   ├── CMSIS
│   ├── LDScripts               # LD files
│   ├── PY32F0xx_HAL_Driver     # MCU peripheral driver
│   └── PY32F0xx_LL_Driver      # MCU low layer peripheral driver
├── Makefile                    # Make config
├── Misc
│   ├── Flash
│   │   ├── Devices             # FLM files
│   │   └── Sources             # Flash algorithm source code
│   └── SVD                     # SVD files
├── README.md
├── rules.mk                    # Pre-defined rules include in Makefile 
└── User                        # User application code



1. Install GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain

Download the toolchain from Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads according to your pc architecture, extract the files

sudo mkdir -p /opt/gcc-arm/
sudo tar xvf arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz -C /opt/gcc-arm/
cd /opt/gcc-arm/
sudo chown -R root:root arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/

2. Option #1: Install SEGGER J-Link

Download and install JLink from J-Link / J-Trace Downloads.

# installation command for .deb
sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V770a_x86_64.deb

The default installation directory is /opt/SEGGER

Copy all .FLM files from [Project directory]/Misc/Flash/Devices/Puya to [JLink directory]/Devices/Puya

cd py32f0-template
sudo cp -r Misc/Flash/Devices/* /opt/SEGGER/JLink/Devices/

Edit JLinkDevices.xml

sudo vi /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkDevices.xml

Add the following lines in <DataBase> section

  <!--                 -->
  <!-- Puya            -->
  <!--                 -->
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F002AX5"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0xC00" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_20K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x5000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F0xx_20.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F002X5"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0xC00" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_20K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x5000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F0xx_20.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F003X4"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x800" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_16K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x4000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F003xx_16.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F003X6"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x1000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_32K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x8000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F003xx_32.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F003X8"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x2000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_64K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x10000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F003xx_64.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F030X4"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x800" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_16K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x4000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F030xx_16.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F030X6"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x1000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_32K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x8000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F030xx_32.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F030X7"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x1800" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_48K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0xC000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F030xx_48.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>
    <ChipInfo Vendor="Puya" Name="PY32F030X8"  WorkRAMAddr="0x20000000" WorkRAMSize="0x2000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M0"/>
    <FlashBankInfo Name="Flash_64K" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x10000" Loader="Devices/Puya/PY32F030xx_64.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" AlwaysPresent="1"/>

2. Option #2: Install PyOCD

Don't install from apt repository, because the version 0.13.1+dfsg-1 is too low for J-Link probe.

Install PyOCD from pip

pip uninstall pyocd

This will install PyOCD into:


In Ubuntu, .profile will take care of the PATH, run source ~/.profile to make pyocd command available

3. Clone This Repository

Clone this repository to local workspace

git clone https://github.com/IOsetting/py32f0-template.git

4. Edit Makefile

Change the settings in Makefile

  • make sure ARM_TOOCHAIN points to the correct path of arm-none-eabi-gcc
  • If you use J-Link, FLASH_PROGRM can be jlink or pyocd
  • If you use DAPLink, set FLASH_PROGRM to pyocd
  • ST-LINK is not supported yet. ST-LINK works in Windows Keil5, but I failed to make it work in Ubuntu
  • Puya provides two sets of library, HAL lib and LL lib, switch in USE_LL_LIB option
  • ENABLE_PRINTF_FLOAT will add -u _printf_float to link options, which will significantly increase the binary size.
##### Project #####

PROJECT			?= app
# The path for generated files
BUILD_DIR		= Build

##### Options #####

# Use LL library instead of HAL
# Enable printf float %f support, y:yes, n:no
# Build with CMSIS DSP functions, y:yes, n:no
USE_DSP			?= n
# Programmer, jlink or pyocd

##### Toolchains #######

ARM_TOOCHAIN	?= /opt/gcc-arm/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin

# path to JLinkExe
JLINKEXE		?= /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkExe
# JLink device type, options: PY32F003X4, PY32F003X6, PY32F003X8, PY32F030X6, PY32F030X7, PY32F030X8
# path to PyOCD
PYOCD_EXE		?= pyocd
# PyOCD device type, options: py32f003x4, py32f003x6, py32f003x8, py32f030x3, py32f030x4, py32f030x6, py32f030x7, py32f030x8
PYOCD_DEVICE	?= py32f003x8

##### Paths ############

# Link descript file: py32f003x6.ld, py32f003x8.ld, py32f030x6.ld, py32f030x8.ld
LDSCRIPT		= Libraries/LDScripts/py32f003x8.ld
# Library build flags: PY32F030x3, PY32F030x4, PY32F030x6, PY32F030x7, PY32F030x8, PY32F003x4, PY32F003x6, PY32F003x8
LIB_FLAGS       = PY32F003x8

5. Compiling And Flashing

# clean source code
make clean
# build
# or make with verbose output
V=1 make
# flash
make flash

Try Other Examples

More examples can be found in Examples folder, copy and replace the files under User folder to try different examples.
