NewsAPI flutter application

This is news app which fetches top headings from news api.

Application consists of 2 screens:

  1. Article list screen:
  • On app launch, data is being fetched while the loader is shown.
  • On success fetch, the loader is removed and list is displayed.
  • On unsuccessful fetch the error message is shown.
  • Each list item comprises of title, short description, photo and icon(more).
  • By clicking on the article the app navigates to article details' screen.
  1. Article details screen
  • This screen shows the image, author, publish date, title, content and link to the original article site.
  • By clicking on the link button, app opens article in external web browser.

How to install?


  • Installed Flutter SDK
  • Android emulator or IOS simulator or Android/IOS physical device.


  1. Clone or download and extract this repository.
  2. Connect mentioned emulator or pysical device.
  3. Enter cloned directory and run command: flutter run

Happy coding with Flutter :neckbeard: