Requirements: Generic: Bitcoin >=0.6.0rc4 or Bitcoin >=0.5.4 (for BIP16 support) or Litecoin Python Twisted python-argparse (for Python <=2.6) Linux: sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web sudo apt-get install python-argparse # if on Python 2.6 or older Windows: Install Python 2.7: Install Twisted: Install Zope.Interface: Unzip the files into C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages Running P2Pool: To use P2Pool, you must be running your own local bitcoind. For standard configurations, using P2Pool should be as simple as: python Then run your miner program, connecting to on port 9332 with any username and password. If you are behind a NAT, you should enable TCP port forwarding on your router. Forward port 9333 to the host running P2Pool. Run "python --help" for additional options. Notes for Litecoin: Requirements: In order to run P2Pool with the Litecoin network, you would need to build and install the ltc_scrypt module that includes the scrypt proof of work code that Litecoin uses for hashes. Linux: cd litecoin_scrypt sudo python install Windows: Install MinGW: Install Python 2.7: cd litecoin_scrypt C:\Python27\python.exe build --compile=mingw32 install If you run into an error with unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin', see this: Running P2Pool: Run P2Pool with the "--net litecoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 9327. Forward port 9338 to the host running P2Pool. Litecoin's use of ports 9332 and 9332 conflicts with P2Pool running on the Bitcoin network. To avoid problems, add these lines to litecoin.conf and restart litecoind: rpcport=10332 port=10333