
A pre-configured block game instance for a modded server.

Choiceful SMP Instance

You can install this pre-configured Minecraft instance for MultiMC (or MultiMC forks), the other installation instructions can be found in the GitHub gist written specifically for the server.


  • Java 17 (higher versions can work but are unstable!)

    Preferrably, the Adoptium version, AdoptOpenJDK

  • >=4 GBs of Physical RAM


  1. Go to the instances folder in your MultiMC installation and execute,
git clone https://github.com/GToidZ/choiceful-smp-instance.git "Choiceful SMP"
  1. Download an archive of mods from the provided Google Drive link in the gist. (or from modlist.txt given)

  2. Extract/put the mods from the archive into the mods folder.

  3. Set your Java settings for this instance to take minimum and maximum of no less than 4096 MBs of memory.


Armor Trims Backport by Hipposgrumm: amazing mod that backports the 1.20 feature of dazzling armor trims.