HTTPS on Local Stack

With Django + Gunicorn + PostgreSQL + Caddy


  1. Try to build the Dockerfile within the app directory, to see if everything's working fine.
  2. If the app works, build a new compose stack using docker compose up --build.
  3. Try accessing in your browser to,
    • Didn't work? That's great, it means your computer is still safe and is up to standards.
    • You actually need to install a root certificate on to your computer's trust store just for this activity, and be sure to remove it later.
  4. From your browser settings, find a way to open a Trust Store manager.
  5. Import a new certificate which is at caddy/data/caddy/pki/authorities/local/root.crt.
  6. Try accessing the site again, it should get you there but might stuck on Not Found page.
    • Navigating to admin page should work as usual.

What does this benefit you?

Not much, but you get to test how your application runs on production and with HTTPS, so you are steps toward to more real-world production-like environment.

Doing this also enforces you to try the application with DEBUG=False, since you cannot really use development version of site to handle HTTPS requests.

Some OAuth2 providers also require HTTPS callbacks, so this way could be a good workaround to test something like so.

Additionally, here's why you'd always use HTTPS on production.

Getting practical

How about using this on your project development during this week before deployment?