
[Thunderbird Add-On] Central user interface to manage cloud accounts and to synchronize their contact, task and calendar information with Thunderbird

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


  1. Introduction
  2. Where is this going?
  3. External data sources
  4. Icon sources and attributions


TbSync is a central user interface to manage cloud accounts and to synchronize their contact, task and calendar information with Thunderbird. Its main objective is to simplify the setup process for such accounts. The following providers (protocols) are currently supported:

Further details can be found in the wiki of the TbSync project and in the how-to-get-started guide.

If you like TbSync and want to support its development, please consider a donation.

Want to add or fix a localization?

To help translating this project, please visit crowdin.com, where the localizations are managed. If you want to add a new language, just contact me and I will set it up.

Here are some general information regarding translations:

Where is this going?

I started to work on TbSync, because we needed ActiveSync (EAS) support in Thunderbird. Soon after, I realized that the current situation for sync accounts is very confusing in terms of user experience: There was no central place to set up sync accounts. The same DAV account had to be setup in lightning and again in the sogo-connector or in CardBook. EWS accounts are setup differently again and for google we need 3 different add-ons for contacts, calendars and tasks.

With TbSync I want to unify that: A central manager to setup sync accounts (DAV, EAS, EWS, Google, ...) and get contacts, tasks and calendars. I knew that I will not be able to re-create and maintain all the different providers for TbSync by myself. I thus created a TbSync Provider API, which allows other add-ons to hook into TbSync and re-use most of the glue code.

I am in contact with Thunderbird staff and we are trying to get TbSync integrated directly into Thunderbird. No ETA yet.

Future plans:

  • cooperate with CardBook, so it does not matter, if the user wants to use the standard Thunderbird address book or the cardbook address book.
  • add support for Google
  • add support for EteSync
  • support the EWS community, which is interested in turning their add-on into a provider for TbSync.

All this requires funding. If you like TbSync and want to support its development, please consider a donation.

Adding support for other sync protocolls by creating a TbSync provider add-on

All the information needed, to build a new provider add-on for TbSync and thus extending its sync capabilities, can be found here:


Icon sources and attributions



CC-BY 3.0

Apache Software License 2.0