
Primary LanguagePython




  • Functions

  • Package, module

  • OOP concepts:

    • Classes
    • Objects
    • Inheritence
    • method/function overriding
    • Encapsulation (hiding data >> __name )
  • Polymorphism (and function overloading) (see examples in polymorphism.py)

  • abstraction with classes, interface (blueprint of classes, just declare the functions and attributes , you dont define funciton (no body of the functions))

Exception handling and testing your code

Creating your tests, testing your code

Pytest, unittest etc

Test1 (functions)
1. precodition
2. action
3. verify >> generates PASS/FAIL (assert)

Test2 (functions)
1. precodition
2. action
3. verify >> generates PASS/FAIL (assert)

Exception handling

def funtionname(arg1, arg2):
        <your main is here>
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        <code if you face division by zero>
        <code if you have an error>

Testing framework (Web Testing)

How to create a project for automated web testing


Pytest collects all files and functions starting with 'test'

Selenium basics


  1. Download and Install from command line: pip install selenium

  2. Intro to test framework

  3. Create basic script (manual) to automate Test Case: Searching 'T-shirt' on automationpractice.com web store

  4. Automate the steps with selenium script

  5. apply pytest framework set up

Implementation with Pytest

  1. Impelemented all steps with selenium At this stage you can run as regular python file
  2. Put all steps to one function that pytest recognize (it should start with 'test_...py'), to generate PASS/FAIL.
    • you should have module name starting with test
    • you should have function names starting with test
  3. Run following command to run all pytest files
    pytest -v -s
    # run all test functions in the module
    pytest -v -s selenium1/test_search1.py
    # run one test in the 
    pytest -v -s selenium1/test_search1.py::test_searching