

go build ./cmd/server
go build ./cmd/client

Note that the client is for testing purposes.

Running the server:

You need to set the SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable. Share this securely with your client(s). The client will need to pass along this same token via the X-Session-Token HTTP header. If it doesn't or the tokens don't match, then the client will receive a "403 Forbidden" error.

You also need to pass in the certificate and the certificate key.

Some example invocations:

./server -h

To cause the server to actually start, do something like:

SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN=micah1 ./server -certpath mytest.pem -keypath mytest-key.pem



Returns the current version number


Causes the server to quit


Runs a program to completion. Requires the following argument:

// jsonCommandStruct represents a command to be executed.
type jsonCommandStruct struct {
	TimeoutInSecs float32  `json:"timeout"` // anything positive will be considered a timeout
	Cmd           string   `json:"cmd"`
	Args          []string `json:"args"`


Runs a program in the background. Requires the following argument (same as above):

// jsonCommandStruct represents a command to be executed.
type jsonCommandStruct struct {
	TimeoutInSecs float32  `json:"timeout"` // anything >0 will be considered a timeout
	Cmd           string   `json:"cmd"`
	Args          []string `json:"args"`


Lists the running jobs


Terminates a job. Requires the following argument:

// jsonKillStruct represents a job to be killed.
// note that  if job == -1, then all jobs will be killed
type jsonKillStruct struct {
	JobNo JobNoType `json:"job"`


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Session-Token: micah1" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"timeout":0,"cmd":"sleep","args":["5"]}' \