
Primary LanguagePython

Flask Demo

Simple Flask application with two requests: GET and POST

How to use?

curl -X GET http://localhost:9999/clients

curl -X POST http://localhost:9999/clients \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"first_name":"Jane", "last_name":"Doe", "email":"jdoe@example.com", "gender":"Female", "id":"101"}'


  1. Create 'get by id' method
  2. Create 'delete by id' method
  3. Create 'update by id' method
  4. (*) Add database support

Configure development environment

Install PyCharm

  1. Go to Downloads Page
  2. Select your OS (Windows, Linux or MacOS)
  3. Download Community Edition
  4. Follow Installation Instructions (on the left, under the big PyCharm logo)

Create new project

Click 'Create new project' and select path

  • Note: if you got 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.core''
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-distutils

Configure virtual environment

  1. File -> Settings -> Project: -> Project Interpreter
  2. Click the Gear button in top right corner
  3. Add -> Virtualenv Environment -> New environment
    • Location -> path to virual environment, by default - in the root of the project
    • Base Interpreter - path to python interpreter script; here you can set python version if possible
  4. Click 'OK'. You should have 'pip' and 'setuptools' installed

Install dependencies

Pip - package installer for Python

Used like this:

$ pip install <package-name>

To install list of packages from file (which is ussually called 'requirements.txt'):

pip install -r <path-to-file> 

In PyCharm:

  1. File -> Settings -> Project: -> Project Interpreter -> '+' button on the right side
  2. Type the name of package
  3. Choose the package in the list below
  4. Click 'Install package'

Create first Python script

  1. Right-click the project name
  2. New -> Python File
  3. Type the file name (without .py)
  4. Click 'OK'