
Deployed on itstime.life, demo user test/test. Time scheduling application, with recommended schedules.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

itstime (It's time)

What is this?

  • A web application designed to manage daily plan and schedule, to maintain healthy life style.
  • UI is optimized for both computer browser and mobile devices. Support add "App Icon" on Android or iOS devices.
  • A few recommended schedules will be pre-populated when a new user is registered and login. These schedules are fully customizable.

Demo website

  • https://itstime.life
  • Demo Account: test/test
  • You can also register an account, no email or personal info are required, totally free and anonymous.

What can it do?

Schedule list view

After login, user will see all available schedule list (each new user will have 4 pre-populated default ones).

Schedule List Schedule List Sidebar

Schedule view

Users are able to add, view, edit or delete schedules

Add Schedule Delete Schedule

Event list (calendar) view, and event view

Each schedule have a list of events, which can be viewed in a calendar. You can click on any event on the calendar, to view details, or edit/delete it. You can also click the "plus" button on the bottom right of the calendar view to add a new event.

Event Table Edit Events

How to build

Install app dependencies

# install global npm package which helps run the app
npm install -g nodemon
npm install -g serve

# install dependencies for both server and client side
cd server
npm install

cd ../client
npm install

Run in local dev mode

# Assume you're in the root directory

# Go to server directory first, run server-side first
cd server
npm start

# Then go to client directory, run client-side
cd ../client
npm install

Run in production mode

  • For the client side, production ready bundle file can be achieved by running npm run build, then you can serve it use the web-server of your choice (Nginx or Apache)
  • For the server side, there are few options to run it, and keep it running. I would recommend a tool called PM2 which can help manage Node processes very easily

Tech Stacks

  • Server-side: NodeJS, Express, MongoDB
  • Client-side: React, Redux, Ant Design