which is called as Richardson iteration.
The basic idea of Richardson iteration is to start with a guess and
improve it. With different relaxation parameters $\alpha$, the iteration
may diverge or converge with different speed. We can also convert
the iteration scheme into the following form
{u}_{k+1}=(I-\alpha A ) {u}_k+\alpha {b}
where $I$ is the unit
matrix. The definations of the residual and error are listed below:
In 2. Solutions, the numerical results obtained by
Richardson iteration with a initial solution $x_0=[0.0,0.0]^T$ and
different relaxation parameters $\alpha$ are prresented. In addition, a
discussion on the effects of relaxation parameters and preconditioning
on the convergence behaviours is provided.
2. Solutions
2.1. Numerical results of Richardson iteration
With the aid of MATLAB, the numerical results of different cases have
been calculated. The convergence curve of the first 50 steps are shown in the figure below.
2.2. The condition of convergence
The constrant for the Richardson iteration to convergence is
and the optimal relaxation
parameter $\alpha_{opt}$ and the corresponding spectral radius
$\rho_{opt}$ for the iteration to convergence are
the range of $\alpha$ for the Richardson iteration to convergence is $(0.000000,0.245030)$.
Since $\alpha_6$ is
out of the convergence range, the case of
$\alpha_6=0.4$ will diverge. And for the given linear system, the
Richardson iteration converge with $\alpha = 0.06,0.1,0.2,0.22,0.24$. As
the current relaxation parameter is closer to the $\alpha_{opt}$, the
iteration converges faster. Hence, from the first figure, we can observe that with
$\alpha=0.2$ the iteration converges fastest. In addition, if $\alpha$
is close to the boundary of convergence range, e.g. $\alpha_5=0.24$,
which is close to $0.245030$, the iteration will converge at a slow
2.3. The case of $\alpha_{opt}$
The convergence curve with the optimal relaxation parameter
$\alpha_{opt}$ has been shown in the figure below, which is close to a straight
In addition, we are concerned with the rate of convergence $\mu$.
In this work, the rate of convergence is calculated with errors. We
assume that the error $e$ finally converges to $e^*=0$, then the rate of
convergence is
Then the linear system is converted to $A'u=b'$ and the iteration
equation is converted into the following form:
$${u}_{k+1}= {u}_k+\alpha {b'}-\alpha A' {u}_k$$
where $A'=M^{-1}A$,
The numerical results of different cases have also been calculated with
the aid of MATLAB. The convergence curve of the first 50
steps are shown in the following figure.
2.5. Discussion
The figure below shows
that the acceleration
effect of preconditioning is not obvious compared to the case of
$\alpha_{opt}$ discussed in "2.3. The case of $\alpha_{opt}$".
To dig in the reason for this result, the preconditioned linear system
$A'u=b'$ is rewritten as
$${u}_{k+1}=(I-\alpha A') {u}_k+\alpha {b'}$$
If ${b'}= {0}$, we get
$${u}_k=(I-\alpha A')^k {u}_0$$
And the
convergence of the Richardson iteration is determined by the property of
$(I-\alpha A')$. The spectral radius $\rho'=I-\alpha A'$ is $0.612372$,
which is close to $\rho_{opt}=0.632456$. This result indicates that the
rates of convergence of two cases are close, which explains the
acceleration effect of preconditioning is not obvious.
Besides, if we select $M^{-1}=A^{-1}$ as the left preconditioner, then
the exact solution can be calculated with only one step, that is
$${u}_{k+1} \equiv A^{-1}b ,\quad k=0,1,2, \ldots$$
3. Readme of codes
The codes of the corresponding solutions are contained in Richardson_iteration_MATLAB_version.m
and Richardson_iteration.m, which are developed by MATLAB. And the Git
repository is used during the development of codes. By typing git log
in the terminal of the current folder, the development process will be
In addition, the program written by C language is also developed to
realise Richardson iteration (see Richardson_iteration_C_version.c).
Ed Bueler. (2020). PETSc for Partial Differential Equations. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.