What is werc? Werc is a minimalist web anti-framework built following the Unix and Plan 9 tool philosophy of software design. (https://werc.cat-v.org/) Quick start 1. download werc && install plan9 tools hg clone https://code.9front.org/hg/werc/ apt install 9base 2. copy example site cd ./werc/sites cp -r werc.cat-v.org localhost 3. change shebang path file: ./werc/bin/werc.rc #!/usr/bin/plan9/bin/rc file: ./werc/bin/contrib/md2html.awk #!/usr/bin/awk 4. start cgi server go run server.go #go run server.go --root "./werc" --sites "sites" --addr ":8000" 5. access http://locahost:8000 lynx http://localhost:8000