

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause




This image is a clone of marcelcorso/gcloud-pubsub-emulator, updated to auto-build off of every new gcloud release. It basically amounts to a dockerized form of the emulator itself as well as the pubsubc tool, which can be used to initialize various topics/subscriptions on startup.

You can find the source code in this Github repo_.

Tag description:

  • latest: whatever is the most recent build on master
  • \d+.\d+.\d+: the latest build for a given gcloud version
  • in addition, each commit has its commit hash user as a docker tag


You can run this image via:

.. code-block:: console

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8681:8681 thekevjames/gcloud-pubsub-emulator:latest

or via quay.io_:

.. code-block:: console

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8681:8681 quay.io/thekevjames/gcloud-pubsub-emulator:latest

If you plan to create topics/subscriptions automatically on startup (see Automatic Topic and Subscription Creation_ below), you may also want to epose port 8682 for liveness probes. See the section on Liveness Probes_ for more info.

Once the image is running, you can point your application code to the emulator via:

.. code-block:: console

$ export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8681
$ ./my_app

Automatic Topic and Subscription Creation

This image also provides the ability to create topics and subscriptions in
projects on startup by specifying the ``PUBSUB_PROJECT`` environment variable
with a sequential number appended to it, *starting with 1*. The format of the
environment variable is as follows::


A comma-separated list where the first item is the *project ID* and the rest
are topics. The topics themselves are colon-separated where the first item is
the *topic ID* and the rest are *subscription IDs*. A topic doesn't necessarily
need to specify any subscriptions.

For example, if you have *project ID* ``company-dev``, with topic ``invoices``
that has a subscription ``invoice-calculator``, another topic ``chats`` with
subscriptions ``slack-out`` and ``irc-out`` and a third topic ``notifications``
without any subscriptions, you could define it this way:

.. code-block:: console

   $ PUBSUB_PROJECT1=company-dev,invoices:invoice-calculator,chats:slack-out:irc-out,notifications

So the full command would look like:

.. code-block:: console

   $ docker run --rm -it \
         -p 8681:8681 \
         -e PUBSUB_PROJECT1=company-dev,invoices:invoice-calculator,chats:slack-out:irc-out,notifications \

If you want to define more projects, you'd simply add a ``PUBSUB_PROJECT2``,

Push Subscriptions

By default, any subscriptions specified above will be pull subscriptions. To
declare them as push subscriptions, you can add the following extra env var:

.. code-block:: console

    $ PUBSUB_PUSHENDPOINT_my-push-subscription-name=http://localhost:3001/messages

In this case, when we see ``my-push-subscription-name`` listed in the
``PUBSUB_PROJECT{n}`` env vars, we'll look at this variable and create a push
subscription instead of a pull one.

To be clear, that means the above env var will have no effect unless you *also*
have something like:

.. code-block:: console

    $ PUBSUB_PROJECT1=my-topic:my-pull-subscription-name:my-push-subscription-name

Liveness Probes

When this image starts up it will first make the emulator available on port
8681, then will (optionally) create any specified topics/subscriptions and
begin to respond on port 8682. As such, you can implement a liveness probe by
checking is the relevant port is available: 8681 for a standard configuration
or 8682 for any time you've set a ``PUBSUB_PROJECT*`` variable.

You may find `wait-for`_ or `wait-for-it`_ useful for this purpose. If you use
some other tool for readiness probes, any check for whether the port is bound
will work. Some examples include:

* ``nc -z 8681``
* ``true &>/dev/null </dev/tcp/`` (requires ``bash``)
* ``lsof -i :8681``
* ``netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep :8681``
* ``wget``
* ``ss | grep LISTEN | grep :8681``
* ``nmap -sS -O -p8681``
* ``exec 6<>/dev/tcp/`` (requires ``bash``)

.. _marcelcorso/gcloud-pubsub-emulator: https://github.com/marcelcorso/gcloud-pubsub-emulator
.. _pubsubc: https://github.com/prep/pubsubc
.. _this Github repo: https://github.com/TheKevJames/tools/tree/master/docker-gcloud-pubsub-emulator
.. _quay.io: https://quay.io/repository/thekevjames/tuning-primer
.. _wait-for-it: https://github.com/vishnubob/wait-for-it
.. _wait-for: https://github.com/eficode/wait-for

.. |dockerpulls| image:: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/thekevjames/gcloud-pubsub-emulator.svg?style=flat-square
    :alt: Docker Pulls
    :target: https://hub.docker.com/r/thekevjames/gcloud-pubsub-emulator/