
This repository holds the code for my Undergraduate Thesis, at UFMG

Primary LanguagePython

Final Graduation Project - Gabriel de Oliveira Andrade - 2024

This work is done as the final project of the Electric Engineering course, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

Advisor: Prof. Luciano de Errico

Steps to reproduce the work:

First, make sure you have the outputs and subfolders created. If you don't have, run the following script, for Linux Ubuntu:

> ./create_outputs_folder.sh

To run the system, you will need 3 terminals. Keep the three terminals opened and run the following commands:

Terminal 1:

> sudo  python3  topologia.py

Terminal 2:

> ryu-manager  ryu.app.rest_qos  qos_simple_switch_13.py  ryu.app.rest_conf_switch

Terminal 3:

# Testing with QoS:

> ./qos_script.sh

# Testing without QoS:

> ./no_qos_script.sh

Then go to Terminal 1 and run the desired test, on the mininet CLI. You can choose one or more of the following options:

mininet> source  ./real_scen.sh
mininet> source  ./var_scen.sh
mininet> source  ./stab_scen.sh
mininet> source  ./realist_latency_evaluation.sh
mininet> source  ./stable_latency_evaluation.sh

At the end of the tests, the desired outputs will be stored in the "outputs" folder, on the specified subfolder.

Part of this work was based on the tutorial on the following link: https://osrg.github.io/ryu-book/en/html/rest_qos.html