
Some bash scripts to make our life easier to use Kubernetes


Some bash scripts to make our life easier to use Kubernetes.

How to install it

  • Download the .ku file to your local directory (~/.ku for example).

  • Modify your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.bash_profile) file to import it.

    . ~/.ku
  • Reload your bashrc (or bash_profile) file.

    source ~/.bashrc

How to use it

  1. tail logs (from beginning) of pod whose name is like tester in dev cluster.

    kdlog tester
  2. tail logs (from most recent 20 lines) of pod whose name is like tester in us cluster.

    kpuslog tester 20
  3. describe a pod in dev cluster whose name is like tester.

    kdds pod tester
  4. describe a configmap in us cluster whose name is like tester.

    kpusds configmap tester
  5. describe a deployment in eu cluster whose name is like tester.

    kpeuds deployment tester
  6. get all images in us cluster.

    kit us