
Primary LanguagePython

Exam_seats_generator 📚💻🖨☕️📖📓📚📝✍️📜✒️🎓

Created by Gab-182 {Ghaiath Abdoush} for 42 AbuDhabi

Script to request student data from 42 intra API,and send email to each student about where he/she is going to set in the exam.

Tree structure

(base) ➜  Exam_seats_generator git:(master) ✗ tree      
├── algorithm.py
├── api_lib
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── intra.py
├── chosen_labs
│   ├── exam_choices.py
│   └── seats_comps.py
├── main.py
├── READ_***_FIRST.txt
├── README.md
├── request_data.py
├── requirements.txt
├── res
│   ├── colors.py
│   └── Intra-Meta-Clusters.png
├── send_emails.py
└── users_data.csv

3 directories, 14 files


First things first, get yourself Python 3.6 or above. You will also need the packages listed in the 'requirements.txt'. Install them with the command pip3 install -r requirements.txt In order to request info from 42 intra api, you will need to configure your config.yml file client: "example_726432892489323472345" #UID secret: "example_238749273073423748329" #SECRET


run the script with command python3 main.py then follow the instructions


42API Lib is used in this script, to edit the configuration for api requests go and check 42API Lib 42API Lib is Adapted by Hive Helsinki for all the 42 Network

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