
Config files for my GitHub profile.

If you read this, you're amazing 🙂

Hello friends!

I am Gabriëlle AKA Tiger, a young developer from a small country called The Netherlands. I started coding when I was around 14 years old. I work as webdeveloper at a company (internally), however I specialize in multiple areas.

A few languages I'm (semi) good at:

  • Java
  • PHP
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python

I hope someday to learn more languages, because it's really fun to learn new stuff! Also, I'm a big Arch Linux lover, and prefer using Linux over Windows (especially for development).

If any would like to contact me (for whatever reason), here's a few ways

Discord thepalmtoptigerofhappiness

Email tiger@stargazer-developments.com

Instagram @gabbyyxo37

Hope you have a good day, and feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions or more!

Signed, Gabriëlle