
Primary LanguageRuby

Airport Challenge

Week 1 Makers Academy challenge:

Please note this README for one of my early Makers Academy weekend challenges is in progress. When completed it will give a clearer overview of what I did, what I learned and what I would improve. It will also include some code highlights and a brief guide to running the code locally.

Challenge Brief:

Imagine you're writing software to control the flow of planes at an airport. The planes can land and take off provided that the weather is sunny. Occasionally it may be stormy, in which case no planes can land or take off.

Development Notes:

In progress:

  • have weather_class branch, attempting to move weather functionality to a class. At this stage it appears that using a module and including it in airport might be a better approach.

Current bugs:

  • Airport 1 can make a plane landed at airport 2 take off. The plane is still listed in the array in airport 2 despite being flying. (An airport should only be able to control planes that are landed at it or are flying)

  • A plane is able to be at more than one airport simultaneously.

  • A plane can be landed multiple times in an airport. (An airport should not be able to tell a non flying plane to land)


  • In airport_spec, the example 'should let two planes take off' passed immediately and did not seem necessary. Are you only supposed to write tests that initially fail?

  • I was unable to test 'should be stormy 20% of the time'. Is this a problem?

Further work to do:

  • move weather into a class or module

  • review class responsibilities