
Implementation of graph isomorphism testing algorithms, GUI and Thesis.

Primary LanguageJava

Bachelor Project: Algoritmi pentru testarea izomorfismului grafurilor

This project addresses one of the most challenging problems in Graph Theory, the Graph Isomorphism Problem. The goal of this project is to conduct intensive research and implement efficient algorithms that enhance the capabilities of the open-source Graph4J library.

Project Overview

To tackle this complex problem, we have focused on implementing and integrating advanced algorithms:

  • VF2 Algorithm: Designed for general graphs.
  • AHU Algorithm: Specialized for trees.

These algorithms were incorporated into the [Graph4J] library, and a Java Swing GUI was developed to facilitate the creation, editing, and testing of graphs for isomorphism. Additionally, a performance comparison was conducted against similar algorithms from other libraries such as JGrapht and NetworkX, showing superior efficiency in both time and space complexity.

Research Paper

The research paper provides a comprehensive overview of the methodologies, implementations, and performance evaluations conducted during this project.

Degree of the Thesis

  • Grade: 10/10

Aditional Information

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