
This app helps users to find a path of specified length that starts and ends at the same position.

Primary LanguageJava


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



This app helps users to find a path of specified length that starts and ends at the same position.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Health and Fitness
  • Mobile: Uses maps and location features that allows users to find loop paths. It also has a camera that is used to capture and share scenery.
  • Story: Say you are in a new town or unfamiliar place and you want to find a cycling/ jogging path of a certain length, would not it be nice to find a cyclic path? This app will help the user to find his/her desired path to enjoy.
  • Market: Anyone who likes to run, jog, walk or cycle would enjoy this app. If a user enjoys discovering new places and wants to explore new paths via a loop this app will be perfect.
  • Habit: Users will check for new paths/trails daily. Users can explore endless new trails and take as many photos as they wish.
  • Scope: Given that we have to interact with Strava API's and work with GPS navigation, this app will be quite challenging to implement. However, a stripped down version of this app is nonetheless interesting to build. The app will start out by just allowing the user to log in and out of the app, find a trail then based on desired length, find a path that begins and end in the same position.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can sign up for a new account
  • User can login
    • User can log in with username and password
    • User can log in with Google account
  • User can logout
  • User can search for a trail
  • User can view detailed information about a trail
  • User can get a path on the trail which has the same start and destination (Cyclic path)
  • User can get nearby paths suggestions
  • User can select the desired length of the path

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Keep track of path completed (competition)
  • Draw a desired path on the map and save it
  • Favorite a path
  • Suggest trails based on favorites
  • Show top rated nearby paths
  • User can take a photo of the scenery
  • User can view all photos taken
  • Count calories
  • Leaderboards
  • Trail Ranks (based on scenery, convenience, number of people completed the path)
  • Weather forecast

2. Screen Archetypes

Required Stories

  • Login Screen
    • user should be able to login
  • Register Screen
    • user create or login to their account
  • Stream - Explore Screen
    • shows suggested trails
    • user can search for a trail/path
    • user can favorite a trail or path
  • Detail Screen
    • user can view detailed information about the selected path or trail
  • Map - Navigation Screen
    • user can search for a trail
    • user can use a map to navigate to the selected trail or path

Stretch Stories

  • Creation - Capture Screen
    • user can take a photo of a path/scenery
  • Profile Screen
    • user can view profile information
    • health profile (includes calories burnt, total length traveled)
  • Stream - Favorites Screen
    • user can view a list of all his/her favorite trails
  • Stream - Scenery Screen
    • user can view a gallery of photos taken

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Explore
  • Navigate
  • Camera
  • Profile
  • Favorites
  • Scenery

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login Screen
    • Explore Screen
  • Register Screen
    • Explore Screen
  • Explore Screen
    • Detail Screen
    • Profile Screen
    • Navigation Screen
    • Favorites Screen
    • Scenery Screen
  • Detail Screen
    • Navigation Screen
    • Explore Screen
  • Navigation Screen
    • Capture Screen
    • Favorites Screen
    • Scenery Screen
  • Capture Screen
    • Scenery Screen
    • Navigation Screen
  • Profile Screen
    • Explore Screen
    • Navigation Screen
    • Favorites Screen
    • Scenery Screen


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype

GIF created with [LiceCap](http://www.cockos.com/licecap/).




Property Type Description
userID String unique id for a user
username Pointer to user name of the user
image File user's profile image
scenery File images of scenes captured by the user
favoriteRoutes Array of Image Objects list of the user's favorite routes


Property Type Description
trailID String unique id for a trail
name String name of the trail
image File picture of a trail
description String detailed overview of the trail
location Array of Floats longtitude and latitude of a trail
scenery Array of Images images related to a specific trail


List of network requests by screen

  • LogIn Screen
    • (Read/GET) : query for a specified user
ParseUser.logInInBackground(username, password, new LogInCallback() {
            public void done(ParseUser user, ParseException e) {
                if (e != null) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Issues with login", e);
                goMainActivity();   // starts a new activity if user is logged in
  • Home Screen

    • (Read/GET) : query for a specified or nearby path
  • Detail Screen

    • (Read/GET) using trail_id get the list of scenery
  • Navigate Screen

    • (Read/GET) retrieve the user's desired path
  • Capture Screen

    • (Create/POST) user posts a captured scenery to his/her account
  • Profile Screen

    • (Read/GET) get user information (profile picture, fav. routes)
  • Scenery Screen

    • (Read/GET) retrieve pictures the user took
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]

  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]

App Walkthough GIF

Login Screen


Register Screen

Login with Google Account

GIF created with LiceCap.