
Simple Neural Python Chess AI

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♘♗♖♕♔ Abadejo-Chess ♚♛♜♝♞

A Neural Chess AI in Python

♙ Description

This aims to be a simple and inefficient chess engine programed in Python for learning about AI, PyTorch and dataset generation


♙ Usage

Run app.py with Python3, it works using flask on localhost, go to for the move interface

  • Simply drag the piece to the desired square, ilegal moves are rejected, promoting to queen is automatic, followed autmatically by an enemy computer move or:
  • Human move: Makes the SAN notated move followed autmatically by an enemy computer move
  • Computer move: Makes a move using the engine for the side currently playing

♙ Dependencies

Python 3 of course

  • chess: A lifesaver, probably wouldn't have started the projet w/o this
  • numpy: Efficient data structures
  • flask: Interface


  • PyTorch: Neural evaluation (use pip, the conda version is too old)
  • cProfile and snakeviz: for profiling to optimize a little more

♙ Objetives

  • Make a chess engine that can beat me 😎
  • Use a CNN for eval
  • Learn more about PyTorch and dataset generation


  • User input via clicking
  • Info in the webpage
  • NegaMax
  • NegaMax + Zobrist Hash with alpha beta pruning
  • Iterative deepening
  • Aspiration Window
  • Negascout (Principal variation search)
  • Pypy (Pypy 3.7 seems 1% to 10% slower than Python 3.8)
  • Piece value heuristic
  • MiniMax
  • Board rendering
  • Movility to the heuristic
  • MiniMax + Alpha Beta pruning
  • Piece square tables
  • Move ordering (moves that capture pieces may be examined before moves that do not, and moves that have scored highly in earlier passes through the game-tree analysis may be evaluated before others)
  • Quiescence search
  • User input via submit field
  • Automatic enemy move
  • Zobrist Hashing
  • Tranposition tables
  • Neural network evaluation