
A program that will be able to solve any linear, quadratic or cubic equation

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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A program that will solve any linear, quadratic and cubic equation.

How to use it

  • Download the 'equationsolver' package:
go get -u github.com/Gabri432/equation-solver
  • Example of usage
package main

import (
    eq "github.com/Gabri432/equation-solver"

func main() {
    solution := eq.EvaluateEquation("x^3-4x=5x^2-1")
    fmt.Println("real solutions: ", solution.RealSolutions, "\ncomplex solutions:", solution.ComplexSolutions)
    myPolynom := eq.Polynom{A: 1, B: 5, C: -4, D: 1}

=== Output ===

real solutions: [-0.8752... 0.2013... 5.6739...]

complex solutions: []

{[0.38196... 2.61803...] [] }


EvaluateEquations(equation string) EquationSolution
  • Takes the equation in form of string and returns the result of type EquationSolution
ValidateEquation(equation string) string
  • Checks if the user inserted equation is valid.



// Creates a polynom in the form: ax^3+bx^2+cx+d
type Polynom struct {
	A float64
	B float64
	C float64
	D float64


type EquationSolution struct {
	RealSolutions    []float64    // set of real solutions
	ComplexSolutions []complex128 // set of complex solutions
	ErrorDescription string       // error message

Project Structure

  • (main)
    • equation.go
    • equation_test.go
    • internal_functions.go
    • internal_functions_test.go
    • license
    • README.md
    • README.it.md
    • .github
      • CONTRIBUTING.it.md

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