The main goal is create a Bot. It's a real-world-like project, built with business specifications.
- Ruby v2.7
- rubocop for linting purpose
- Rspec
Install on Your Own Machine. You can skip the linter setup if you don't want to validate the code against good coding standards.
Set up your machine.
- ruby
- rubocop
- Follow the link below to install git
- Follow the link below to install ruby
- Follow the link below to set up a linter
- Clone the repository
Clone the repository by run the code below on your computer terminal.
git clone
Go to the project directory and run open the bin/bot.rb
file on your terminal.
Instruction to use the telegram-bot
cd in the repo folder
Write (bundle install)in terminal
Write (bin/bot.rb)
Read Intructions commands
- Intructions command
- /joke return a random joke
- /quote return a random quote
- /time return the current time
- /date return the current date
- /end say goodbye
- joke_every 10 will return the joke y the next 10 minutes
- quote_every 10 will return a quote in the next 10 minutes
- Follow the link > video
👤 Pablo Alexis Zambrano Coral
- Github: @Alexoid1
- Twitter: @pablo_acz
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- [Thanks for Microverse][]
This project has no license.