The Room Management System is a Java application designed to efficiently manage spaces such as classrooms in educational institutions. Built with Java's Swing library for graphical user interface, this system offers an interactive and user-friendly solution for reserving and allocating spaces, optimizing the use of available resources.
Allows adding spaces with details such as capacity, name, and location.
Provides the functionality to make fixed or occasional reservations for registered spaces.
Ability to generate detailed reports by room or course, providing insights into space utilization.
An intuitive and responsive user interface, facilitating interaction with the system.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or newer version.
- Java-compatible environment, such as Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
- Project Download:
- Clone the Git repository or download the project in ZIP format.
- Configuration:
- Extract the files (if necessary) and navigate to the project's root folder.
- Execution:
- Open a terminal or command prompt in the project folder.
- Compile and execute the file using the command javac followed by java MenuInterface.
- Starting the Application: Execute to open the graphical interface.
- Space Registration: Use the registration options to add new rooms or auditoriums, providing the necessary data.
- Making a Request: Select the type of request (fixed or occasional) and fill in the relevant information. Reports: Generate specific reports by room or course to obtain details of the reservations made.
- Model-View-Controller (MVC): The application follows the MVC pattern, separating business logic from user interface.
- models/: Contains classes representing the system entities (Room, Auditorium, Request). view/: Implements the graphical user interface with Swing.
- controller/: Manages business logic, interaction between the user interface and models.
- Contributing:
- Fork the project.
- Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/NewFeature).
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add NewFeature').
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/NewFeature).
- Open a Pull Request.