
Swift Student Challenge 2021 Submission

Primary LanguageSwift



Ecosystem is a work of education. The user will learn about how an ecosystem works while simulating their own. This is a more playful way to get the user's attention and making them interested. In the first chapter they will learn the basics of an ecosystem, while testing different types of animals and plants on their own. After each topic the user will be invited to tweak the live view so he see the ecosystem gaining life step-by-step. On the second and last chapter, it is explained how the simulation works, and the user can simulate and see the interaction of everything they tested in the previous chapter. As for the technical part, I used SpriteKit and UIKit. SpriteKit was used as the core of my project. It gave me functionality out of the box for using sprites and detecting collisions. UIKit was used for setting up the view with the scene from SpriteKit.

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