
Second project from Group #3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


App Screenshot

FunActive is a website provides up-to-date information about the best physical activities to do in Calgary based on current weather conditions. Whether you're a local or just visiting, FunActive will help you find your next adventure and stay active all year round.


  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Gabriel-Dalmoro/project-2.git
  1. Navigate to the server.
cd project-2-backend
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the directory and add the required environment variables.
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5001
MONGO_URI = Your MongoDB URI settings
JWT_SECRET = Your JWT secret
API_KEY = Your Open Weather API key
  1. Navigate back to root
cd ..
  1. Open another terminal window and navigate to the client directory.
cd project-2-frontend
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install


To run the server

  1. From root directory navigate to the server.
cd project-2-backend
  1. To start the server.
  npm run start

To run the client

  1. From root directory navigate to the client.
cd project-2-frontend
  1. To start the client.
  npm run start


This is a full-stack project, using the MERN stack.


  • React and create-react-app

react logo image

  • Material UI for components and icons

material UI logo image


  • Express to make a server and HTTP calls

    material UI logo image

  • MongoDB and Mongoose to create and connect to our database

    material UI logo image

The majority of the project was written in JavaScrit and JSX, and the syling was done using CSS without frameworks.
