Backend for our ECSE 428 application
We're using python 3+ with django v2. Ensure that the python and pip versions you use are configured for python 3+.
VirtualEnv ensures that you will have an isolated environment for this project
To create a new virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
To activate the virtual env from a bash command line use
source env/bin/activate
Ensure you're in the virtual environment for the project, then run
pip install -r requirements.txt
You'll need to run MySQL and Redis on localhost in order for the app to work. With docker compose this is as simple as running
docker-compose up
If you're running using a docker-machine VM then set the environment variables so that when you run the app locally it'll know where to reach the machine.
MYSQL_HOST=*Insert Docker VM IP here*
REDIS_HOST=*Insert Docker VM IP here*
If you require a new package during development, ensure that you add a line for it in requirements.txt. If you're working in a virtualenv, then you can also run the to update the requirements.txt file.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Go into the timemachine folder
cd timemachine/
python test
Sorry but your gonna need docker, check the readme on Frontend
docker-compose up
Nevermind docker has left us hanging all gods are dead.
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python runserver
These are the rest api that are available
This is the endpoint for all problems:
Note: The last slash is important!
This api has GET and POST.
For individual problems:
Note: Again the slash is important!
This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.
This is the endpoint for all ratings:
This api has GET and POST.
For individual problems:
This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.
This is the endpoint for all solutions:
This api has GET and POST.
For individual problems:
This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.