
Backend for our ECSE 428 application

Primary LanguagePython


Backend for our ECSE 428 application

Development Setup

We're using python 3+ with django v2. Ensure that the python and pip versions you use are configured for python 3+.

Configure VirtualEnv

VirtualEnv ensures that you will have an isolated environment for this project

To create a new virtualenv

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env

To activate the virtual env from a bash command line use

source env/bin/activate

Install the Project Dependencies

Ensure you're in the virtual environment for the project, then run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring MySQL and Redis with Docker Compose

You'll need to run MySQL and Redis on localhost in order for the app to work. With docker compose this is as simple as running

docker-compose up

If you're running using a docker-machine VM then set the environment variables so that when you run the app locally it'll know where to reach the machine.

MYSQL_HOST=*Insert Docker VM IP here*
REDIS_HOST=*Insert Docker VM IP here*

Installing New Packages

If you require a new package during development, ensure that you add a line for it in requirements.txt. If you're working in a virtualenv, then you can also run the to update the requirements.txt file.

Don't do this if you're not using a virtualenv or you'll get a slap
pip freeze > requirements.txt


Go into the timemachine folder

cd timemachine/
python manage.py test

Style Checking & Linting


Running Project

Sorry but your gonna need docker, check the readme on Frontend

docker-compose up

Nevermind docker has left us hanging all gods are dead.

source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver


These are the rest api that are available


This is the endpoint for all problems:


Note: The last slash is important!

This api has GET and POST.

For individual problems:


Note: Again the slash is important!

This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.


This is the endpoint for all ratings:


This api has GET and POST.

For individual problems:


This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.


This is the endpoint for all solutions:


This api has GET and POST.

For individual problems:


This api has GET, PUT, and DELETE.