Ankr Docs

Ankr is the leading Web3 infrastructure company. It provides all the necessary blockchain infrastructure and services for companies to build new and bring their existing projects to Web3.

Ankr Docs contain information on Ankr, from general product information to user guides, SDK documentation, API references, RPC methods, Web3 tutorials, developer guides, and more. The docs are targeted at existing and potential Ankr users and explain what different products do and how to use them, both as an end-user or developer.

The docs are built on Nextra — a Next.js based static site generator.

Contribute to the project as an end-user

As an ever-developing company, we welcome you to contribute to Ankr Docs — via feedback raising an issue or a pull request adding/updating content.

As raising an issue and describing a problem is pretty self-explanatory, let's jump straight to adding/updating content.

Adding/updating content

Adding/updating content is done via pull requests to this repo. If you're in the mood to improve our content:

  1. Understand the pull request policy.
  2. Work with the content either via the GitHub web interface or clone-commit-push.

Pull request policy

We do not pose a strict policy on pull requests.

Work with the content

If you're an Ankr user, use the GitHub web interface:

  1. Go to the pages folder and either see what subfolder you need to add a new .md file or navigate to the .md file that you want to edit.
  2. Click Add file to add a new file or click the pencil icon to edit an existing file.
  3. Fill the newly created file with content or edit the content in the existing file you opened.
  4. When done, commit the changes to a new branch. A pull request will be created automatically.

Contribute to the project as an Ankr employee

Now, if you're with us, you know to uphold our standards.

If you are new to them, here are the guidelines:

  1. Get acquainted with Ankr Docs gitflow.
  2. Get acquainted with Ankr Docs deploying routine.
  3. Remember our internal branch naming and pull request policy.
  4. Clone the repo.
  5. Create a new branch branching off from stage.
  6. Get acquainted with the file and folder structure.
  7. Install dependencies for the docs.
  8. Run a local dev env.
  9. Work with the content and resources in your favorite IDE.
  10. Commit, push.
  11. Test your work, deploying it to a staging server and seeing if everything is as smooth on web as it was locally.
  12. Merge your changes, following the gitflow from #1 and pull request policy from #3.


Currently, we're using the following Gitflow:

  1. Create a feature branch from the stage branch. Use the branch naming format described further in this doc.
  2. Work on the documentation for the feature.
  3. When done, test your documentation deploying it to STAGE.
  4. When tested, create a pull request to the stage branch and add colleagues as reviews, at your discretion. Use the pull request naming format described further in this doc.
  5. When merged, test the stage branch deploying it to STAGE.
  6. When ready, create a pull request to the main branch.
  7. When merged, test the main branch deploying it to STAGE.
  8. When tested, deploy the main branch to PROD.

Deploying routine

To deploy:

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab on the repo page.
  2. Under All workflows, on the left, click Deploy.
  3. Click the Run workflow button on the right, then choose the branch and environment to deploy to.
    1. Deploy to STAGE or any other staging server from the drop-down list to view and test your doc updates in a safe environment.
    2. When tested and ready, deploy to PROD available to general public.
  4. Click the green Run workflow button right below the chosen values.

Internal branch and pull request policy

  1. Branch off from stage.

  2. Follow the branch naming format.

    The common pattern for a branch name <type>/<JIRA-TASK-NUMBER-description>.


    • feature — tasks and stories
    • bugfix — bugs such as typos
    • hotfix — on-the-spot updates

    Naming examples:

    • feature/FOOBAR-1-create-ankr-staking-docs
    • bugfix/FOOBAR-2-fix-typos
    • hotfix/FOOBAR-3-update-sc-addresses-for-staking
  3. Follow the pull request naming format.

    The common pattern for a pull request title or commit message is <type>[optional scope]: <TASK-000 description>.

    Naming examples:

    • feat: FOOBAR-555 add docs for Ankr Protocol
    • fix(Fantom staking): FOOBAR-666 fix typos
    • chore: FOOBAR-777 update smart contract addresses for Ankr Staking
  4. Make sure the Assignee is you and there are two labelsdocumentation and a section-specific label (e.g. staking).

Clone the repo

git clone && cd ankr-docs

Create a new branch off stage

git checkout stage && git checkout -b `<type>/<JIRA-TASK-NUMBER-description>`

Get acquainted with the file and folder structure

┌ ○ .github 
├     ○ workflows 
├         deploy.yml — workflows for deploying the project via GitHub Actions.
├ ○ pages — source files with the content to generate static HTML files from.
├ ○ public — images to use in the docs.
├ ○ src  
├     ○ components — custom React components to import and use in the project.
├     ○ hooks — hooks to sync wasm-docs and other projects.
├     ○ icons — icons to use in the metainfo.
├     ○ scripts — scripts implementing additional custom functionality.
├     ○ styles — custom CSS styles overwriting the default Nextra styles.
├   .gitignore — list of intentionally untracked files and folders to skip when committing.
├   next.config.mjs — configuration file for the Next.js framework, which powers Nextra.
├   next-env.d.ts — ensures Next.js types are picked up by the TypeScript compiler. Don't remove or edit!
├   package.json — project dependencies and dev commands.
├   postcss.config.js — configuration file listing additional packages to import to Nextra.
├ — readme of the project.
├   redirects.js — redirects solution.
├   redirects.json — map of redirects for the redirects solution.
├   tailwind.config.js — additional CSS framework (imported in postcss.config.js).
├   theme.config.tsx — configuration file for Nextra with the essential project parameters.
├   tsconfig.json — paths to different features of wasm-docs as a TS project. 
└   yarn.lock — lock file to ensure the same environment across devices.

Install dependencies for the docs

yarn install

Run a local dev env

yarn dev

FYI, it's http://localhost:3000/docs/.

Work with the content and resources in your favorite IDE.

Yeah, work that sweet content!

Test your work, deploying it to a staging server

Remember that deploying routine above? Follow it.

Merge your changes

Remember that pull request policy above? Let's sum it up:

  1. For the love of code, follow the pull request policy, or I will come to you in your dreams!
  2. Merge your branch to stage.
  3. If stage doesn't have any other unfinished work and is ready for prod, merge stage into main.
  4. Have a cookie.