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The single bubble test cases have been proposed by Hysing , which are classical and typical to study and validate the accuracy of the two-phase fluid solvers. The initial configuration and physical parameters refers to read Featflow .
- In Nabil's thesis, they used MooNMD as a reference solution since it is based on Lagrangian interface method.
The case-1 with a low density and viscosity ratios, and higher surface tension coefficient which will keep the bubble more circular.
The case-2 with a larger density and viscosity ratios, and lower surface tension coefficient which will change the bubble shape especially at bubble tail.
- multiple bubbles motion , with this test cases, we can analyze a pair of bubbles rising in stagnant liquid, moreover, we can change the size and distance of the two bubbles.
This test case is an example case in Basilisk, see: bubble motion in tank
In this part, we introduce the test cases using Basilisk to simulate Taylor bubble rising in quiescent liquid through singularities. The comparisons have been done between experiments results from Chengsi and simulations results, including bubble rising in straight tube and expansion/contraction tube.
In addtion, we extend the simulation cases into several new singularities, including gradual, parabolic concave/convex expansions/contractions. I will introduce more in the following parts: