
Front-End Web application inspired by Product Hunt made with React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Huntweb ReactJS

Front-End Web application inspired by Product Hunt made with React.js.

The purpose of this application is to practice the concepts of React.js as seen in the Rocketseat free course.

Runing it localy


To run this project you need to set up its API (Get the Back-End)

NPM / Yarn

Inside the project root directory run npm install or yarn install to install the project dependencies

Finally you can run npm start or yarn start to start the application


  • List all resources

  • Create a new resource

  • Show and Edit a resource

  • Show and Delete a resource

Directory Structure

  • node_modules/ (project dependencies)

  • public/ (public files like index.html and favicon)

  • src/ (main application files, available in development)

    • components/ (components React)

    • pages/ (application pages)

    • services/ (handles external resources, like api interface)

    • utils/ (utility functions)

    • App.js (import the application routes to be rendered)

    • index.js (render React in the application)

    • routes.js (routes of the application)

    • styles.css (main styles of the application)