Note: This is an old (Deprecated, outdated, no-longer-updated) project. I have other utility packages now. I'm keeping it up as an example of my old code (and how it's gotten better over time).
Various utilities written in java. A copy of LWJGL 2.9.1 (and its natives) is included for ease of use. They can be found in the src/lwjgl folder. Please note that all sections are WIP, and therefore subject to sudden, complete change (or deletion).
Various useful classes are included with these utilities. Mainly they are included for use in other parts of the project, though some are extra.
The GUI system implemented in this project is based on the java swing API, with a few major changes:
- The GUI system works inside of a window, and will not create windows.
- The GUI system has no default rendering implementation. The manner of rendering each component can be determined by user-assigned styles.
- I forgot what the last point was; I'll probably remember it eventually. It is meant to be entirely designed by the user. On its own, it has no external dependencies. The GUI system can be found in the com.ralitski.util.gui folder.