Welcome to a captivating demostration of games crafted within an innovative Ionic-Angular project! This collection brings together the thrill of classic games revamped through meticulous programming skills and the art of transforming JavaScript tutorials into engaging gaming experiences.
Ionic-Angular Setup: Initialize an Ionic-Angular project to leverage its UI components and functionalities.
Game Components: Create separate components for each game to maintain modularity and ease of development. Services: Implement services for game logic, such as managing game states, handling user inputs, and scoring.
Rock Paper Scissors: UI: Design a simple interface with buttons for rock, paper, and scissors. Logic: Implement the game logic to determine the winner based on the user's choice and the computer's random selection. Animations: Add transitions or animations to provide a dynamic feel to the game.
Memory Game: Grid Setup: Create a grid layout to display hidden cards. Card Flipping: Implement the logic for flipping and matching pairs of cards. Timer & Scoring: Add a timer and a scoring system to track the player's performance.
Space Invaders: Canvas & Graphics: Utilize HTML5 Canvas for game graphics and rendering. Player Controls: Implement controls for the player's spaceship movement and shooting. Enemy Movement & AI: Create enemy ships with AI patterns for movement and attacking.
Connect Four: Grid Setup: Design a grid for the Connect Four board. Game Logic: Implement the rules for placing tokens and detecting a win condition. UI Enhancements: Provide visual cues for the players' moves and winning combinations.
Angular Services: Create separate services to handle shared functionalities, such as game state management and handling game-specific logic.
Responsive Design: Ensure that the games are responsive and playable on various devices.
Documentation: Document the codebase and include comments for better understanding and future reference.
Sound Effects & Music: Add sound effects or background music to enhance the gaming experience.