
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate proficiency in basic Java syntax involving console input and output, basic file input and output, basic string/text manipulation, flow of control statements, expressions, and basic data structures such as arrays, Lists, and Maps.

Primary LanguageJava

Java: DVD Library Project

Overview The purpose of this project is to demonstrate proficiency in basic Java syntax involving console input and output, basic file input and output, basic string/text manipulation, flow of control statements, expressions, and basic data structures such as arrays, Lists, and Maps.

Requirements In this assessment, you will create a program that stores information about a DVD collection. The program must do the following:

  • Allow the user to add a DVD to the collection
  • Allow the user to remove a DVD from the collection
  • Allow the user to edit the information for an existing DVD in the collection
  • Allow the user to list the DVDs in the collection
  • Allow the user to display the information for a particular DVD
  • Allow the user to search for a DVD by title
  • Load the DVD library from a file
  • Save the DVD library back to the file when the program completes
  • Allow the user to add, edit, or delete many DVDs in one session
  • Additionally, the program must follow the MVC design pattern and use dependency injection as shown in the course material.

Your DVD data transfer object should have the following fields:

  • Title
  • Release date
  • MPAA rating
  • Director's name
  • Studio
  • User rating or note (allows the user to enter additional information, e.g., "Good family movie")