
A Template for light , quick and easy generate Restful API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

generate restful api with hapi v16

A Template for light , quick and easy generate Restful API

Getting Started

git clone 

cd /your-dir

cp config.sample.js config.js

npm install 

npm start


  • Monogo DB support

  • Monogo DB Schema validation support

  • Successful response class whoosh inspired by Boom

  • Basic Restful API:provide the sample of basic restful api template with MongoDB

  • Upload files API:provide the sample of upload files and manage the temp files. which upload with stream or file.

  • Pluggable:you can easy add or remove your api

  • Swagger support:Integrate the swagger with enter http://< your host >:< your port >/documentation

  • Add basic validation with Joi in the route

  • Static files server

  • Enhance Swagger:form-data and file upload example

  • Face recognition API:microsoft azure , face++.

  • Simple Token Validation API template/plugins


  • wechat login integration:save wx user , get session_key use code, decryption encryptedData.

  • Support websocket

  • Enhance Swagger

  • Monogo DB init script

  • Forward to third party interface

  • OAuth API template/plugins

  • JWT Token template/plugins

  • Configured to drive

  • run in the production environment

migrate to v17





  • install nodejs

  • install nvm

  • install mongodb

  • hapi-api

  • npm install supervisor -g