
GMNSDateExtension is a simple Objective-C library designed to extend some functions of NSDate class.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


GMNSDateExtension is a simple Objective-C library designed to extend some functions of NSDate class.


To use GMNSDateExtension in your project copy "Library" folder and import just one file:

#import "GMNSDateExtension.h"

How To Use

Each method takes a parameter that specifies the format for each date. Example:

+(NSDate*) dateFromString: (NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format

The format is your choice: @"yyyy-MM-dd @"dd-MM-yyyy ecc

But you can also use a standar format with:

[GMNSDateExtension dateFormat:DateFormatAmerican]


[GMNSDateExtension dateFormat:DateFormatEuropean]

Example to use

Examples to get day component from a generic date or yesterday/tomorrow date:

NSInteger dayComponent = [GMNSDateExtension dayComponenetFromDate:[NSDate date] withFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy"];

NSDate *tomorrow = [GMNSDateExtension dateTomorrowWithFormat: [GMNSDateExtension dateFormat: DateFormatEuropean]];

NSDate *yesterday = [GMNSDateExtension dateYesterdayWithFormat: [GMNSDateExtension dateFormat: DateFormatEuropean]];


Determines if an NSDate is today

+(BOOL) isToday: (NSDate*) date withFormat:(NSString*) format;

Determines if an NSDate is yesterday

+(BOOL) isYesterday: (NSDate*) date withFormat:(NSString*) format;

Determines if an NSDate is tomorrow

+(BOOL) isTomorrow: (NSDate*) date withFormat:(NSString*) format;

Get the Tommorrow date

+(NSDate *) dateTomorrowWithFormat:(NSString*) format;

Get the Yesterday date

+(NSDate *) dateYesterdayWithFormat:(NSString*) format;

Convert NSString to NSDate

+(NSDate*) dateFromString: (NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Convert NSDate to NSString

+(NSString*) stringFromDate: (NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Get NSdateComponents from NSString

+(NSDateComponents*) dateComponentsFromString: (NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Get NSdateComponents from NSDate

+(NSDateComponents*) dateComponentsFromDate: (NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Get year, month, day, hour, minute or seconds from NSDate

+(NSInteger) yearComponentFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) monthComponenetFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) dayComponenetFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) hourComponenetFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) minuteComponenetFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) secondComponenetFromDate:(NSDate*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Get year, month, day, hour, minute or seconds from NSString

+(NSInteger) yearComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) monthComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) dayComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) hourComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) minuteComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) secondComponenetFromString:(NSString*) date withFormat: (NSString*) format;

Get difference between two NSDate

+(NSInteger) yearsDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) monthsDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) daysDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) hoursDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) minuteDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSInteger) secondsDifferenceFromDate:(NSDate*) fromDate toDate: (NSDate*) toDate withFormat: (NSString*) format;

+(NSString*) dateFormat:(DateFromat) dateformat;


Contatc me to mandalari.gabriele@gmail.com to add other methods