
node 12+

Instructions to run

  1. Run npm run start

The app is up and running on localhost:3000 ! :D


I've split the application into four main folders.

  1. The components contains the reusable components that have some kind of interaction.
  2. The pages contain the composition of components to create the interface. Inside the pages, you're able to create another component folder, that has components that work on the context of that page.
  3. services is responsible for maintaining specific logic as resources from API
  4. UI has the reusable components that don't have interaction, just styles.


It will be running on clients with edge, chrome or firefox.

Third-party libs

  1. Bootstrap4: used to manage forms, grids and buttons styles;
  2. FontAwesome: used to add icons;
  3. axios: used to manage http requests;
  4. reactJS: used to create all the project interface