
This is a simple app as a chance to try RxJava with other stuff


Why I'm doing this?

I want to learn more about RxJava and try different things and create a efficient way to start testing a app without need to create Ui tests

How ?

This is single "interaction" app, we have only one screen

Portrait Screenshot Landscape Screenshot

This app uses the following stack ->

  • 100% written in Kotlin
  • Android Arch Components (LiveData, ViewModel)
  • Unit tests with Mockk
  • Koin for DI
  • Multi Modules

Recommended setup

This application uses:

  • Android Studio 3.5.2
  • Kotlin 1.3.61

Building and running tests

To build the application you can use the following command in CLI

./gradlew assemble


./gradlew assembleDebug

This will generate both debug and release apk (the last one will build only Debug apk, the release apk was not tested, so I recommend for now to use only Debug version)

Debug app location -> app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

Release app location -> app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk


It's possible to just move the generate apk to some device and install, or use a built in task

./gradlew installDebug


To run the application tests use

./gradlew check jacocoTestReport

This will run both unit and instrumented tests and generate a report that will be located here ->



Special thanks

I have to thanks to ->

  • David Eisenstat at StackOverflow and everyone in this thread for helping with the permutation logic