Supa0SQL is a simple, easy to use, and fast Natural Language to Chart tool. It's meant for non-technical users to be able to quickly and easily create charts from their data without having to learn SQL.
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
To make this project work, we need a pre-existing function created on the supabase instance that will be queried. This function can be found on 'seed/db.sql'. It's a simple function that its meant to create objects, in this case functions, on your database. This is the only way I've found to run RAW sql queries on supabase through API calls using the supabase-js library with annonimous access & service role.
I still need to improve that function to avoid any SQL injection attacks. I'm not going to do it so far since its for testing, but if you want to use this project for production, you should definitely improve that function.