
The objective of this theme is run two calculator ec2 instances with redis database cluster (configured with one main instance and one replica instance), sending the calculator metrics to the stack ELK (in other ec2 instance).

Primary LanguageHCL

Tema final

The objective of this theme is run two calculator ec2 instances with redis database cluster (configured with one main instance and one replica instance), sending the calculator metrics to the stack ELK (in other ec2 instance). For now the only part working in stack ELK instance is the elasticsearch.

Backed with packer and launched with terraform. All through Jenkins jobs.


  • Jenkins
  • AWS credentials



Create a security group with the following Inbound rules and replace the value in every launch/variables.tf and launch/module/nlb/variables.tf file

  • 6379
  • 8000
  • 30092
  • 30056


AWS Credentials

Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials -> Global Credentials

  • Create a secret text named aws_access_key and paste your AWS Access Key ID
  • Create a secret text named aws_secret_key and paste your AWS Secret Access Key
  • Create a secret text named aws_session_token and paste your AWS Session Token

Environment Variables

Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> System -> Global properties

  1. Enable Environment variables
  2. Add a var named AWS_REGION with value us-east-1
  3. Add a var named PASS_MAIN with a passowrd for redis main instance

    suggested: passM4in!

  4. Add a var named PASS_REPLICA with a passowrd for redis replica instance

    suggested: passR3plica!

  5. Save

Creating jobs

Go to Dashboard -> New Item -> Pipeline and name it as in Names and Script Paths

Pipeline config:
Names and Script Paths
  • Redis
    • pipeline name: Backing_Redis

    • script path: redis/backing/Jenkinsfile

    • pipeline name: Launch_Redis

    • script path: redis/launch/Jenkinsfile

  • Calculator
    • pipeline name: Backing_Calculator

    • script path: calculator/backing/Jenkinsfile

    • pipeline name: Launch_Calculator

    • script path: calculator/launch/Jenkinsfile

  • ELK
    • pipeline name: Backing_ELK

    • script path: elk/backing/Jenkinsfile

    • pipeline name: Launch_ELK

    • script path: elk/launch/Jenkinsfile


Order to execute the jobs.

  1. Backing_Redis
  2. Launch_Redis
  3. Backing_Calculator
  4. Launch_Calculator
  5. Backing_ELK
  6. Launch_ELK



To access the endpoints, copy the public ip of the EC2 instance.


Endpoints and examples of appropriate response

Addition: { public_ip }:8000/calc/sum/{value1}/{value2}

    "result": "10"

Subtraction: { public_ip }:8000/calc/sub/{value1}/{value2}

    "result": "5"

Division: { public_ip }:8000/calc/div/{value1}/{value2}

    "result": "7"

Multiplication: { public_ip }:8000/calc/mult/{value1}/{value2}

    "result": "30"

Historic: { public_ip }:8000/calc/historic

        "time": "2022-08-19T02:13:52.853500749-03:00",
        "result": "6.00 - 6.00 = 0.00",
        "operation": "SUBTRACTION"
        "time": "2022-08-19T02:13:52.859714718-03:00",
        "result": "6.00 + 6.00 = 12.00",
        "operation": "ADDITION"

Elasticsearch EC2 ELK

elasticsearch: { public_ip }:30092



For destroy the infrastructure, go to the desired Launch, in the last build click on replay and replace the word apply for destroy in Terraform Apply stage

Like that:
