
This course serves as an introduction to modern web application development with JavaScript. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js. The course also contains a section on GraphQL, a modern alternative to REST APIs.

This repository contains the exercises needed for the submissions of the Helsinki University Full Stack Open program certificate (https://fullstackopen.com/en/)

About the program:

Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js.

  • Part 0: Fundamentals of Web apps
  • [] Part 1: Introduction to React
  • [] Part 2: Communicating with server
  • [] Part 3: Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
  • [] Part 4: Testing Express servers, user administration
  • [] Part 5: Testing React apps
  • [] Part 6: Advanced state management
  • [] Part 7: React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
  • [] Part 8: GraphQL
  • [] Part 9: TypeScript
  • [] Part 10: React Native
  • [] Part 11: CI/CD
  • [] Part 12: Containers
  • [] Part 13: Using relational databases