
A script manager for Notion API. Attach ONE single script to each of your database and then configure it according to your needs :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Integration: Notion to Email


About the Integration

This Notion integration sends an email whenever the Status of a page in a database is updated. This sample was built using this database template and emails are sent using SendGrid's API.

Running Locally

1. Setup your local project

# Clone this repository locally
git clone https://github.com/makenotion/notion-sdk-js.git

# Switch into this project
cd notion-sdk-js/examples/database-update-send-email

# Install the dependencies
npm install

2. Set your environment variables in a .env file

NOTION_KEY= <your-notion-api-key>

You can create your Notion API key here.

You can create your SendGrid API key here.

To create a Notion database that will work with this example, duplicate this template.

3. Run code

node index.js