
Get silhouettes of organisms from Phylopic.

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status codecov.io rstudio mirror downloads cran version

The idea here is to create modular bits and pieces to allow you to add silhouettes to not only ggplot2 plots, but base plots as well. Some people prefer base plots while others prefer ggplot2 plots (me!), so it would be nice to have both options.


CRAN version


Development version


Work with names

Find the taxa in Phylopic whose names match some text

person <- name_search(text = "Homo sapiens", options = "namebankID")[[1]]

Get info on a name

# no options just returns the UUID (aka: self)
name_get(uuid = person$uid[1])
#> $uid
#> [1] "1ee65cf3-53db-4a52-9960-a9f7093d845d"
# specify fields to return with the `options` parameter
name_get(uuid = person$uid[1], options = c('citationStart', 'html'))
#> $html
#> [1] "<span class=\"nomen\"><span class=\"scientific\">Homo sapiens</span> <span class=\"citation\">Linnaeus, 1758</span></span>"
#> $citationStart
#> [1] 13
#> $uid
#> [1] "1ee65cf3-53db-4a52-9960-a9f7093d845d"

Searches for images for a taxonomic name.

name_images(uuid = person$uid[1])
#> $other
#> list()
#> $supertaxa
#> list()
#> $subtaxa
#> list()
#> $same
#> $same[[1]]
#> $same[[1]]$uid
#> [1] "c089caae-43ef-4e4e-bf26-973dd4cb65c5"
#> $same[[2]]
#> $same[[2]]$uid
#> [1] "ad736445-7147-46f0-9932-d69243dea8f0"
#> $same[[3]]
#> $same[[3]]$uid
#> [1] "a146bf1b-c94d-46e1-9cd8-a0ac52a1e0a9"

Find the minimal common supertaxa for a list of names.

insect <- name_search('Orussus abietinus')[[1]]
bird <- name_search('Malacoptila panamensis')[[1]]
(x <- name_minsuptaxa(uuid = c(person$uid[1], insect$uid, bird$uid))[[1]])
#> $canonicalName
#> $canonicalName$uid
#> [1] "68226175-f88d-4ea8-8228-3204c49bfda0"
name_get(x$canonicalName$uid, options = c('string'))
#> $uid
#> [1] "68226175-f88d-4ea8-8228-3204c49bfda0"
#> $string
#> [1] "Nephrozoa Jondelius & al. 2002"

Collect taxonomic data for a name.

name_taxonomy(uuid = "f3254fbd-284f-46c1-ae0f-685549a6a373", 
  options = "string", as = "list")
#> $taxa
#> $taxa[[1]]
#> $taxa[[1]]$canonicalName
#> $taxa[[1]]$canonicalName$uid
#> [1] "f3254fbd-284f-46c1-ae0f-685549a6a373"
#> $taxa[[1]]$canonicalName$string
#> [1] "Macrauchenia patachonica Owen 1838"
#> $uBioCommands
#> [1] FALSE
#> $inclusions
#> list()

Work with name sets

Retrieves information on a set of taxonomic names.

id <- "8d9a9ea3-95cc-414d-1000-4b683ce04be2"
nameset_get(uuid = id, options = c('names', 'string'))
#> $uid
#> [1] "8d9a9ea3-95cc-414d-1000-4b683ce04be2"
#> $names
#> $names[[1]]
#> $names[[1]]$uid
#> [1] "105d17a4-9706-4fd5-85d7-becffaf6250a"
#> $names[[1]]$string
#> [1] "Homo sapiens sapiens Linnaeus 1758"
#> $names[[2]]
#> $names[[2]]$uid
#> [1] "9dc78907-02ca-4e98-95d7-f5a7c6166ee8"
#> $names[[2]]$string
#> [1] "Canis familiaris familiaris"

Collects taxonomic data for a name.

nameset_taxonomy(uuid = "8d9a9ea3-95cc-414d-1000-4b683ce04be2", options = "string")$taxa[1:2]
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$canonicalName
#> [[1]]$canonicalName$uid
#> [1] "2265ff9d-cfcf-4bf4-9f3e-fb4dd9e90261"
#> [[1]]$canonicalName$string
#> [1] "Choanozoa"
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$canonicalName
#> [[2]]$canonicalName$uid
#> [1] "b909eda2-4a6d-4d87-a463-87cbe3d20c5f"
#> [[2]]$canonicalName$string
#> [1] "Coelomata"

Work with images

Get info on an image

id <- "9fae30cd-fb59-4a81-a39c-e1826a35f612"
image_get(uuid = id)
#> $uid
#> [1] "9fae30cd-fb59-4a81-a39c-e1826a35f612"

Count images in Phylopic database

#> [1] 3126

Lists images in chronological order, from most to least recently modified

image_list(start=1, length=2)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$uid
#> [1] "dd8e04f8-0134-4c32-9768-1fdb702eaa8d"
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$uid
#> [1] "9509aeb5-dbae-4902-9c56-6fdd01b321f2"

Lists images within a given time range, from most to least recent

image_timerange(from="2013-05-11", to="2013-05-12", options='credit')[1:2]
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$credit
#> [1] "Emily Willoughby"
#> [[1]]$uid
#> [1] "58daaa49-e699-448d-9553-ceedd1fc98a4"
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$credit
#> [1] "Gareth Monger"
#> [[2]]$uid
#> [1] "303ddff0-6a51-4f70-adf7-69bb22385d6d"

Work with uBio data

ubio_get(namebankID = 109086)
#> $uid
#> [1] "1ee65cf3-53db-4a52-9960-a9f7093d845d"

Plot a silhouette behind a plot

img <- image_data("27356f15-3cf8-47e8-ab41-71c6260b2724", size = "512")[[1]]
qplot(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, data = iris, geom = "point") +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

Plot images as points in a plot

For ggplot2 graphics...

img <- image_data("c089caae-43ef-4e4e-bf26-973dd4cb65c5", size = "64")[[1]]
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(drat, wt)) +
      geom_blank() +
      theme_grey(base_size = 18)
for (i in 1:nrow(mtcars)) {
  p <- p + add_phylopic(img, 1, mtcars$drat[i], mtcars$wt[i], ysize = 0.3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

and the same plot in base R graphics:

cat <- image_data("23cd6aa4-9587-4a2e-8e26-de42885004c9", size = 128)[[1]]
posx <- runif(50, 0, 1)
posy <- runif(50, 0, 1)
size <- runif(50, 0.01, 0.2)
plot(posx, posy, type = "n", main = "A cat herd")
for (i in 1:50) {
  add_phylopic_base(cat, posx[i], posy[i], size[i])

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

Save png to disk

cat <- image_data("23cd6aa4-9587-4a2e-8e26-de42885004c9", size = 128)[[1]]
out <- save_png(cat)
identical(png::readPNG(out), cat)

Use silhouettes as icons in Leaflet plots

There's nothing baked into rphylopic for this, but here's an example of how to do it.


# get an image
cat <- image_data("23cd6aa4-9587-4a2e-8e26-de42885004c9", size = 128)[[1]]
# save to disk
file <- save_png(cat)
# make an icon. this one is super simple, see `makeIcon` docs for more options
sil_icon <- makeIcon(iconUrl = file)

# make the plot
leaflet(data = quakes[1:4,]) %>% addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(~long, ~lat, icon = sil_icon)



  • Please report any issues or bugs.
  • License: MIT
  • Get citation information for rphylopic in R doing citation(package = 'rphylopic')
  • Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.