
Pokedex is a Pokedex (haha) that I did to learn more about React, React Hooks, responsive design, how to consume an API (in this case, the API for the pokemons), and how to deploy an app. This project was made as a internship challenge. I also uploaded the project to Netlify for you to check it out!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Pokedex that I made to learn more about React!

Click here to see the application running!

Pages 👨‍💻





Features ✔️

  • It is responsive! You can use it in all your devices (or just resize the page to see it 😄)
  • A type search system where you can find the pokemons by their type (if you click/touch the button again, it will go back to show all the pokemons)
  • A search bar, where you can search the pokemons by their name
  • A modal to show more details about an specific pokemon like the weaknesses, candys, spawn times, etc

Technologies used 🖥

This project is only for study purposes. The brand, logo and name are non professional.