
Tensorflow implementation of DeepMind's Tacotron-2 (without wavenet)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tensorflow implementation of DeepMind's Tacotron-2 (without wavenet). A deep neural network architecture described in this paper: Natural TTS synthesis by conditioning Wavenet on MEL spectogram predictions

Repository Structure:

├── datasets
├── logs-Tacotron2	(2)
│   ├── eval-dir
│   │ 	├── plots
│   │	└── wavs
│   ├── mel-spectrograms
│   ├── plots
│   ├── pretrained
│   ├── metas
│   └── wavs
├── papers
│ ├── models
│ └── utils
├── synth_output	(3)
│   ├── eval
│   ├── gta
│   ├── logs-eval
│   │   ├── plots
│   │   └── wavs
│   └── natural
├── train_data	(1)
│   ├── 1.npy
│   ├── 2.npy
│   ├── train.txt

The previous tree shows the current state of the repository (separate training, one step at a time).

  • Step (0): Get your dataset and modify datasets/preprocessor.py -> "build_from_path" function.
  • Step (1): Preprocess your data. This will give you the train_data folder.
  • Step (2): Train your Tacotron model. Yields the logs-Tacotron2 folder.
  • Step (3): Synthesize/Evaluate the Tacotron model. Gives the synth_output folder.

Model Architecture:

How to start

  • Machine Setup:

First, you need to have python 3 installed along with Tensorflow.

Next, you need to install some Linux dependencies to ensure audio libraries work properly:

apt-get install -y libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg libav-tools

Finally, you can install the requirements. If you are an Anaconda user: (else replace pip with pip3 and python with python3)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Hparams setting:

Before proceeding, you must pick the hyperparameters that suit best your needs. While it is possible to change the hyper parameters from command line during preprocessing/training.


Before running the following steps, please make sure you are inside Tacotron-2 folder

cd Tacotron-2

Preprocessing can then be started using:

python preprocess.py


To train both models sequentially (one after the other):

python train.py

checkpoints will be made each 5000 steps and stored under logs-Tacotron2 folder.


To synthesize audio in an End-to-End (text to audio):

python synthesize.py

References and Resources: