
basic RAT using encryption.

Primary LanguagePython


You must have a python version >= 3.10.5 (I haven't tested for other versions) .

git clone https://github.com/Gadzhi07/degeneRATe.git


cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt

In the client/main.py replace the IP variable with the IP of your server.

Create a new encryption key and change it in the server/main.py and client/main.py (the FERNET_KEY variable).

python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key())"



cd server
python main.py


cd client
python main.py

How to use?

All commands:

help Print information about all commands.
conns Print all connections.
use Select connection from the list of connections.
upload Upload local file.
download Download remote file.
open_link Opening a link on the selected connection.
hot_key Pressing hotkeys on the selected connection.
write_text Enter text on the selected connection.
window_alert Creating a window on the selected connection.
screenshot Creating a screenshot for the selected connection.
pc_info Information about the computer.
ins_command Adding commands to the DB.
commands Output of commands from the DB.
del_command Deleting commands from the DB.
exit Close program.

First look at all the connections:


Next you have to choose a connection:


For example:

Enter ID: 0
Enter "Shell" or "Commands" (from DB) : Shell

After successfully selecting a connection, you can use all commands.